Sunday, July 20, 2008


After getting my website with all Ads on it what will be my job?
As soon as you pay the registration fees within 20 working days we’ll create your website with full designing and complete Ads on it. We’ll create the full money making platform for you. Now you can start making money 24 hours a day. All you have to do is get as much click on Ads as you can on your website. Your job is only to promote your website. How? We will teach you. Your website promote by different 6 types of softwares provided by us. You will take efforts for more and more visitors visit your website. Means you advertise your own website. When visitors visit your website it means more earning for you.
How should I make the Advertiser feel that my click is a genuine click?
This is very important, to make your click look genuine is very simple. On your website when ever a visitor clicks any Ad, a different website will open as per the Ad content in the same window, next what the visitor has to do is just surf that website for at least 3-5 minutes. It means the visitor spends at least 3-5 minutes that’s it... And you are paid for that click. So isn’t it very simple, exciting & funny? Of course a bucket full of money, too!

What is meant by a Genuine Click?
Every one wants to earn more and more, which can be easily done by clicking Ad’s. But here if you only go on clicking your website Ad’s then you won’t be earning that much money. Because what happens when you click any Ad on your website your computers IP Address (for ex. gets registered with Google & you can’t change your computers IP Address. So when you repeatedly click Ads from the same computer, same IP Address will get registered again and again and Google will come to know that here Ads are clicked purposely to generate money. So there are chances that Google will close your Account.
Actually what happens when a click is made from a different PC a new IP Address gets registered with Google and instead of Rs.20/- you will get Rs.150/-. Even if any visitor visits your website and doesn’t click then also you will get paid, because that Ad has been viewed by someone, more details of this after getting registered with EAC.
Can my friend click Ads on my website from other computers?
Yes, your friend can if a different Ad is clicked from a different computer it will be counted as a genuine one and you’ll get the money in your account.
What if somebody else visits my website from a different place?
There is no problem, and it’s very good, the more the Ads are clicked on your website by any one and from any part of the world; more amount will come to you only. (You don’t tell your friend that to click Google’s Ad). For more details read the topic: MULTIPLE EARNING below.
Can I ask my friends, relatives, colleagues to visit my website and click Ad?
Yes, of course you can, as I said earlier more the Ads are clicked on your website more will be your earning. Let the Ad be clicked by anyone. You can even earn Rs.10,000/- in a single day.
How much money will I get paid for every Ad clicked on my website?
The amount per click is fixed by the Advertiser. The more the advertiser put money the more frequently his Ad will be displayed. Some Advertisers put Ad ranging from $1 to $10 [means Rs.40 to Rs.400]. Amount fixed by Advertiser is not visible on Ads.
Do I need Email Id?
Yes, you need one E-mail Id which you can get free from EAC. It is for delivering you with immediate daily result and income details and to avoid bulk and junk mails from other parties. You can use that Email ID for your personal use, too.
I liked this business very much, and like to earn more & more. Just give me a brief outline about my monthly income and different ways to get more clicks.
What is the estimated monthly income?
Suppose visitors click 25 Ads daily.
For every Ad imagine you get paid atleast Rs.8. Than 25 Ad x 8/- = Rs.200/- daily.
So monthly income will be (30 days) = Rs.200 x 30 = Rs.6000/- *But this is for lazymen*
For hard working people’s website visitors click 50 Ads daily.
For every Ad imagine you get paid atleast Rs.8. Than 50 Ad x 8/- = Rs.400/- daily.
So monthly income will be (30 days) = Rs.400 x 30 = Rs.12000/-.
Note: The above calculation is made with consideration of minimum Rs.8/-. You can earn Rs.8 to 400 per click.